In case you missed the July special, I’m offering one more chance to get Opening the Suitcase, the first course in the Unpacking ADHD Core Series for just $30.

Offer ends midnight Wednesday!

The Unpacking ADHD Core Series is a proven path to living more successfully with ADHD traits. You don’t need an ADHD diagnosis to benefit. Anyone with a lot of ADHD traits (Have you taken our ADHD Spectrum Self Test?) can get enormous value from exploring their unique brain wiring and learning brain optimization strategies.

  • Understand yourself better
  • Gain confidence
  • Identify and focus on your strengths
  • Work with less effort
  • Improve your ability to focus when you want to
  • Finish what you start
  • Live a life that’s really you!

Each of the three online classes in the Core Series is short and super-flexible. You can move through the material at your own pace from any location using your phone, tablet or computer. And you can connect with other participants and with me, Unpacking ADHD Founder Don Baker, through private forums and live Q&A sessions.

This material can transform your life. If you don’t find it valuable, I’ll happily refund your money!

Take a test drive!

Now you can get a sneak peek at the first course, Opening the Suitcase, including the complete introductory lesson and all topic titles.




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You'll also get a free download of my 5 Keys to Loving Your ADHD Brain e-book. 

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