Adult ADHD Spectrum Self Test
Do You Live with Any of the Traits of ADHD?
Over 15,000 people have taken the Adult ADHD Spectrum Self Test — the first online ADHD test to assess for both strengths and challenges associated with ADHD.
What makes this test unique?
There are lots of ADHD tests online. Most of them focus on negative traits of the wiring, like running late and being disorganized.
The Adult ADHD Spectrum Self Test is a different kind of ADHD test. We designed it to help you assess the full spectrum of ADHD traits, including both strengths and challenges.
Why is this so important? Because whether you go on to get a clinical diagnosis of ADHD or simply have a few traits (“ADHD Lite”), the fastest route to improving your life is to build on your strengths. Recognizing the positive aspects of your unique brain wiring is a powerful first step.